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Tête antique socle noirPeriod Renaissance Find out more
Tete d'hercule sur soclePeriod XVIIIth Find out more
Petite pomme en bois doréPeriod Contemporary Find out more
Poire en bois doréPeriod Contemporary Find out more
12 pommes en bois doréPeriod Contemporary Find out more
Tête de femme en basaltePeriod 1940s Find out more
Tète de cyclade en pierre Period XVIIth Find out more
Paire de nubiens sur soclePeriod XIXth Find out more
Marble sculpture in the nineteenthPeriod XIXth Find out more
Christ d'autel écaille rougePeriod XVIIth Find out more
Large Christ on the crossPeriod XVIIIth Find out more
Two statues of Bishop seventeenthPeriod XVIIth Find out more
Two statues of Bishop seventeenthPeriod XVIIth Find out more
Stèle Iconique GM socle métal noirPeriod XVIIth Find out more
The small merchant nineteenthPeriod XIXth Find out more
Sculpture of woman nineteenthPeriod XIXth Find out more
Sculpture of a woman with grapesPeriod XXth Find out more
Oriental carved piece of woodPeriod XIXth Find out more
Cast iron Egyptian torcheres - 2m03Period XIXth Find out more
Nubian torcheres - 1m47Period Napoleon III Find out more
Japanese Buddhist characterPeriod XIXth Find out more
Naked woman in bronzePeriod Contemporary Find out more
Statue of a naked woman woodenPeriod XXth Find out more
Statue of Saint SebastianPeriod XVIIIth Find out more
Statue of Buddha eighteenthPeriod XVIIIth Find out more
Wooden sculpture of a nymphPeriod XIXth Find out more
Sculpture of a young womanPeriod XXth Find out more
Sculpture of a young womanPeriod XXth Find out more
Bronze representing MercuryPeriod Renaissance Find out more
Statue of Saint LaurentPeriod XVIIIth Find out more
Marble of a Greek warriorPeriod XIXth Find out more